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23 déc. 2021 à 17h42   Services financiers   Rabat   51 vues
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About Instiglio

Instiglio is a fast-growing global and niche International Development advisory firm, whose mission is to ensure that every cent spent on delivering social services to the people who need them the most has the greatest possible impact. Instiglio aims to be instrumental in shaping expectations, raising standards, and promoting best practices of the international development community's impact on the world. Its mission is achieved by: (1) continuously innovating on the existing Results-Based-Financing (RBF) and capacity-building tools, uncovering new approaches, and openly sharing its experience and insights with the development community; and (2) improving public sector performance and delivery in low- and middle-income countries through deep strategic engagement and technical assistance.

During our journey, we have worked with a range of actors; including governments (e.g., Governments of Colombia, Peru, Morocco, and Egypt), multilateral development banks (e.g., World Bank, Inter-American Development Bank), development aid agencies (e.g., USAID, MCC, DFID, GAC, SECO), service providers (e.g., Educate Girls, Mercy Corps, World Vision), and private foundations (e.g., IKEA Foundation, UBS Optimus Foundation, Fundacin Corona, Fundacin Bancolombia). Instiglio has successfully launched RBF projects in over 25 Latin American, African, and South Asian countries, totaling over $500 million tied to results. Particularly important milestones include the world's first Development Impact Bond (education, India); the first Social Impact Bond launched in a middle-income

country (workforce development, Colombia); the first Outcomes Fund (poverty graduation, Kenya and Uganda); and the launch of performance-based contracts with governments in Africa (employability, Morocco). Instiglio has also advised pioneer RBF transactions in the areas of agriculture and rural development in Colombia and Peru with the Canadian (GAC) and Swiss (SECO) development aid agencies, respectively. Furthermore, Instiglio has increasingly supported governments in strengthening their systems of delivery through multi-year reform processes.


We are a diverse team of 50+ people, representing 10+ nationalities, with offices in Colombia (HQ), Kenya, Morocco, Peru, and the USA. Our team of practitioners has extensive development and government experience, including previous roles in impact evaluation (e.g., J-PAL), development banks (e.g., World Bank), country governments (e.g., Rwanda Ministry of Finance, Colombia's National Planning Department, Congress of Colombia), and research (e.g., Harvard's Center for International Development).


Instiglio offre une exprience unique de stage l'intersection des secteurs priv, public et social. Nous offrons aux stagiaires l'opportunit de s'engager dans un environnement en constante volution et orient vers les rsultats, de dcouvrir les fondamentaux d'une organisation internationale en pleine croissance et de contribuer la dynamique du mouvement pour les rsultats dans le dveloppement international.

En tant que stagiaire, vous aurez l'occasion de :
  • Prparer des livrables et des prsentations de haute qualit pour les clients, en collaboration avec l'quipe
  • Effectuer des analyses et des synthses documentaires
  • Effectuer des analyses de donnes qualitatives et quantitatives
  • Soutenir les initiatives de dveloppement de l'organisation au Maroc, en Afrique francophone et dans la rgion MENA

Les stagiaires ayant dmontr une bonne performance pendant leur stage peuvent se voir offrir un poste d'analyste plein temps.

  • Master ou quivalent en conomie, statistiques, sciences sociales, commerce, Ingnierie ou domaines connexes.
  • Matrise complte du franais (C2) et de l'anglais (C2) l'crit et l'oral.
  • Exprience dans l'analyse de donnes.
  • Exprience en recherche quantitative et qualitative.
  • Capacit synthtiser des informations techniques en concepts simples et analyser les informations de manire critique.
  • Bon niveau de comptence pour travailler avec la suite Microsoft (Excel / PowerPoint / Word).

Qualifications Prfres
  • Empathie envers les problmes sociaux et engagement contribuer leur rsolution.
  • Excellente communication orale et crite.
  • Aptitude au travail d'quipe et capacit travailler de manire autonome.
  • Engagement total envers la qualit des produits gnrs.
  • La matrise de l'arabe parl et crit est un atout majeur.
  • Une exprience en tant qu'assistant de recherche est un plus.