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21 sept. 2021 à 17h11   Autre   Rabat   74 vues
Détails de l'annonce

Poste :

The intended fellow will help to advance UM6P’s teaching and research activities in soil and fertilizer research in Africa through:


• Contributing to sample reception and processing for spectroscopic analyses

• Participating in installation, calibration and operating of instruments

• Testing and analysing of soils, plants, fertilizer and other materials using spectral techniques

• Participating in creating a spectral library and archiving soil samples for future use

• Compiling and presenting findings and recommendations to decision-makers 

• Participating actively in the affairs of the Laboratory by interacting with other technicians, lab managers, students, and researchers.



Profil recherché :

Qualified applicants should have the following skills:

M.Sc. in physical chemistry, chemistry, agricultural chemistry, soil science or other pertinent discipline; and a minimum of 1-year work experience as a starter technician in soil laboratory

• Experience in using FTIR, pXRF, Alpha Spectrometer, UV-Vis Spectrometers, CNHOS Analyzer, Raman Spectrometer, ICP-OES, GC-MS, SEM, XRD, etc.

• Broad knowledge of ISO regulations

• Knowledge of various sampling techniques and equipment

• Critical thinking and problem-solving skills

• Robust technical writing, analytical, and communications skills

• Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite and spectroscopic-related software

• High motivation and interest in scientific work

• Excellent command of English and French


• Excellent presentation skills

Description de la société
L’Université Mohammed VI Polytechnique (UM6P), institution d’enseignement supérieur à vocation internationale, est engagée pour un système éducatif basé sur des standards de hauts niveaux en matière d’enseignement et de recherche dans des domaines prioritaires au développement économique du Maroc et de l’Afrique. Notre jeune université construit un réseau académique international de renom et s’appuie sur un corps enseignants-chercheurs disposant d’une longue expérience professionnelle. L’UM6P,  grâce à ses infrastructures de pointe, offre un cadre de de travail, d’étude, et de vie très agréable.