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21 sept. 2021 à 17h13   Autre   Rabat   45 vues
Détails de l'annonce

Poste :

Position Announcement

Rhizospheric Plant-Microbe interactions under P fertilization with a focus on cadmium tolerance and remediation

Job Title: Pre-doctoral positions


Research topic:

Trace metals inputs to agricultural soils via fertilisers are of concern due to their potential risk to the environment and human health. The overarching goal of the DUNE project (CaDmiUm and Trace Elements Bio-Availability and Transfer In Soil-PlaNt SystEm) is to enhance our understanding of Cd bioavailability and bio-accumulation to crops. To improve our understanding of Cd bio-availability in soils and plants it is primordial to tackle the Cd biogeochemical cycle and dynamic, and put effort into characterizing the sources of Cd in the environment as well as understanding what controls the bioavailability of this element down to a molecular level. The DUNE project will bring further constrains on the uptake mechanisms and fate (translocation, accumulation) of Cd and trace elements in crops and their rhizosphere.


Job description:

The PhD will focus on the influence on soil micro-organisms on Cd speciation and bio-availability. The work will focus on three tasks:

  • Describing the microbiome modulation in contrasting conditions and under several fertilization regime with a focus on metal tolerance genes
  • Screening of interesting isolates with PGP traits as well as Cd resistance and construction of a microbial consortium.
  • In planta evaluation of bacterial isolate for Cd remediation and plant growth promotion traits

The experimental devices will be based on laboratory devices (pilots, culture chambers, mesocosms). The PhD will perform experiments both in France (CEA Cadarache, Saint Paul Lez Durance, and CEREGE, Aix en Provence) and in Morocco (UM6P).


Key duties:

Successful candidate is expected to: 

  • Manage different assignments in France and Morocco
  • Implement experiments on plants from the laboratory to the field
  • Process data sets in R (or equivalent) and have knowledge of statistics
  • Publish papers and the present communication at international conferences



Profil recherché :

Criteria of the candidate:   


  • Master’s or equivalent degree in microbiology/microbial ecology, Plant Biotechnology, soil science, agronomy or environmental science
  • Rigor / organization
  • Good communication skills
  • Team work
  • Good ability in writing and speaking in English
Description de la société
Au cœur de la future Ville Verte Mohammed VI à Benguérir, Maroc et située à 30 mn de Marrakech par autoroute ; l’Université Mohammed VI Polytechnique (UM6P), institution d’enseignement supérieur à vocation internationale, est engagée pour un système éducatif basé sur des standards de hauts niveaux en matière d’enseignement et de recherche dans des domaines prioritaires au développement économique du Maroc et de l’Afrique. Notre jeune université construit un réseau académique international de renom et s’appuie sur un corps enseignants-chercheurs disposant d’une longue expérience professionnelle. L’UM6P,  grâce à ses infrastructures de pointe, offre un cadre de de travail, d’étude, et de vie très agréable.