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24 nov. 2021 à 1h05   Transport et Logistique   Rabat   227 vues
Détails de l'annonce
AVL Maroc recrute un ingénieur HARDWARE:

The main Responsabilités are:
 Track and implement requirements:
o Identify and implement internal and external requirements.
o Review Lessons Learned from previous Model Year or equivalent models with similar components and technology
 Deliver a High-Quality Design on Time
o Coordinate and execute development verification activities
o Execute prototype testing and rework using laboratory equipment such as Programmable electronic load, oscilloscopes, logical analyzer,
climatic chambers…
o Identify risks on tests performed, impact and mitigation plan in coordination with project leader.
o Release documentation, During Development phase, to engineering teams (SW, Mechanical): i.e. HITS (Hardware Internal Technical
Specification) PCB design guidelines
o Release documentation to manufacturing: End of Line specification with respect to project planning and ensure permanent updates.
o Release validation documentation: EMC test plan, DV/PV test plan
o Implement GHAT (Generic Hardware Automatic Tester) testing for new programs in development. Creating test environment with
CAPL/Python language
 Deliver an Accurate and Robust Design on Time
o Ensure schematic is ready according to project planning/milestones and following guidelines with checklist and DRC (Design Rule Check)
o Analyze critical circuits with simulation tools (OrCAD PSPICE, PSIM, sensitivity analysis, Montecarlo analysis)
o Execute, review and approve WCCA (Worst Case CircuitAnalysis) with MathCAD tool.
o Execute, review and approve DFMEA (Design failure mode and effect analysis) embracing efficient external tools (IQ-FMEA).
o Execute Variant Consistency Analysis according customer specification.
 Quality Investigation

Profil : BAC+5
Experience : 1-2 ans