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23 déc. 2021 à 17h33   Autre   Casablanca   30 vues
Détails de l'annonce
Vos missions au quotidien

As team member of the new Equity Research Department in Casablanca, your main functions will revolve around:
  • General functions :
  • Research and analyse individual stocks, and the sector as a whole
  • Convey SGs strategic view on a sector
  • Regulated functions :
  • Help writing Research notes
  • Help developing the client portfolio
Your main responsibilities will be:
  • Investigate and summarize financial and general information on the sector;
  • Update financial models on covered and listed stocks;
  • In-depth company modelling and valuation analysis in order to derive market recommendations;
  • Data collection on the sector (Press, Annual Reports) and Data mining (Bloomberg, Datastream, etc.);
  • Strategic analysis & Marketing: Extensive company and client contact to review financial forecasts (analyst presentations and meetings with management), update of marketing presentations;
  • Communicate the findings to institutional investors and SG equity salesforce, through research reports, one-to-ones, etc., interaction with strategists and economists;
  • Complete studies on a certain number of bespoke topics;
  • Present ideas to general sales desk and clients;
  • Write research report contributing to team and department's product.
Et si ctait vous ?
  • Education :
Management/engineering school, university masters degree or equivalent, ideally multi-disciplinary, including commerce and/or (financial) engineering.
  • Competencies :
  • Experience in Research, equity markets (sales, trading, research) and financial analysis;
  • Good knowledge of the sector / accounting and financial techniques / Valuation Models;
  • Advanced level on financial markets.
  • Proficiency in Excel / PowerPoint ;
  • Rigour and curiousity;
  • Knowledge on Bloomberg / Datastream;
  • High level of autonomy;
  • Strong communication and organisational skills;
  • Adaptability and Flexibility.
  • Languages:
Fluency in English and French

Pourquoi nous choisir ?

Societe Generale Africa Technologies and Services -SG ATS- (A subsidiary of Societe Generale Group) was created in 2014 with the aim of providing agile and efficient solutions to banking trading rooms in Europe (mainly in Paris and London) in order to help them meet the increasingly stringent requirements imposed by the various international banking laws.

Building on its success, SG ATS aims to become a multi-service center, always providing high value-added services to the Group's various business lines (mainly in Europe but also in the United States and Asia) on activities of markets, but also to the risk department, the finance department, the compliance department and other central departments.

Crowned "Best Employer 2019 - Morocco", SG ATS is a young, dynamic structure that positions human capital at the center of its development gathers talents who will actively participate in the success of the company while operating in an international environment conducive to the development of differentiating skills.

The Equity Research team gathers more than 200 analysts, strategists and economists combining their expertise into a cross-asset approach: analysis of the impact of major events on different asset classes, assessment of the links between asset classes, and strategic synthesis of this key information to provide an integrated view.

We benefit from a global coverage thanks to Societe Generale local networks in Eastern Europe (Moscow, Bucarest, Warsaw and Prague), the strengthening of our presence in the US, and in Asia (Hong Kong, Singapore and Tokyo), together with our established UK and Western European base.

The Research analyst will work in a dynamic environment (team of about 80, based in London, Paris, Spain, Italy, US...).

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